Safe, Vibrant and Healthy Community Meeting

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh

Go to our Council Committees page to get information on how to watch the meeting, view agendas and minutes, view members, and see information about other Council Committees. Agenda Item Details Meeting Sep 24, 2024 - SAFE, VIBRANT AND HEALTHY COMMUNITY COMMITTEE Category MEETING CALLED TO ORDER BY THE CHAIR Subject Item 22-03: Revenue Capture Options (4/16/24) Type Ken Bowers, Planning & Development During the April 16 City Council meeting it was  requested that an item on the topic of revenue capture be referred to the Safe, Vibrant and Healthy Community Committee for discussion and to receive information only. The phrase revenue (or value) capture refers to various revenue raising instruments that local governments can employ to realize as public revenue a portion of the increase in land values arising from public infrastructure investments or land use policy changes. A staff presentation will focus on the primary value capture tools available in North Carolina, which include various types of special taxing districts as well as bonus-based zoning incentives. The presentation will also touch on tax increment finance, development agreements, and conditional zoning.

Economic Development and Innovation Committee Meeting

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh

Go to our Council Committees page to get information on how to watch the meeting, view agendas and minutes, view members, and see information about other Council Committees. Agenda Item Details Meeting Sep 24, 2024 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION COMMITTEE Category MEETING CALLED TO ORDER BY THE CHAIR Subject Item 22-04: Downtown Raleigh Economic Development Strategy (2/13/24) Type Evan Raleigh, City Manager’s Office In July of 2021, City Council approved the allocation of $250,000 in American Rescue Plan Act funds to support a downtown economic development study in partnership with the Downtown Raleigh Alliance (DRA).  After a competitive solicitation process, Interface Studios, a planning and urban design practice known for blending research and analytical thinking with design and public visioning, was selected to lead the project.  The scope of the study focuses on various aspects of the downtown economy and concentrates specifically on the following areas Revitalization of Fayetteville Street and bolstering the downtown storefront economy Repositioning the downtown office market Improving minority and women-owned business opportunities Identifying catalytic projects that could spur energy in the downtown area During the February Council Work Session, Interface Studios presented an overview of the recommendations pertaining specifically to the Fayetteville Street portion of the Study.  The […]

Growth and Natural Resources Committee Meeting – CANCELLED

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh

Go to our Council Committees page to register to join this meeting.You can also get information on how to watch the meeting, view agendas and minutes, view members, and see information about other Council Committees.