I am not anti-development. And neither is Livable Raleigh

I am not anti-development. And neither is Livable Raleigh

INDY Week, please stop referring to me as anti-development. You refer to me as “Livable Raleigh co-founder Stef Mendell, who ran on an anti-development platform.” This has got to stop. I am not and have never been anti-development. And neither is Livable Raleigh. Let’s try to work together and find reasonable ways to accommodate appropriate development. Labeling individuals or groups as anti-development only furthers polarization.

Dear Ned

Dear Ned

When elections finally occurred in 2022, Knight was ousted by the voters, and 4 new members of Council were elected, each with Livable Raleigh’s support.

Yolanda Taylor replies to being labeled a dissenter by the media

Yolanda Taylor replies to being labeled a dissenter by the media

Well, as a labeled dissenter of the Mayor of Raleigh by a newspaper, I would like to congratulate the grassroots groups that worked hard to ensure a check in power on the way Raleigh grows going forward. It was disheartening to see journalists and certain nonprofit groups describe the fight to be included in development decisions as “anti-growth.” These anti-democratic statements came often from ostensibly progressive / liberal people who even called those demanding affordable housing NIMBYs.

Carmen Cauthen: I am not advocating for the haves, but for the have nots.

Carmen Cauthen: I am not advocating for the haves, but for the have nots.

I follow a listserv to see what people are saying about building, growth and change on the New Bern Avenue corridor since that is where I live, The latest conversation is about the city purchasing the DMV building at more than the appraised price. If I talk about the evils of putting more unaffordable housing in the community, I am called a NIMBY (not in my back yard). They never seem to understand that I am not advocating for the haves, but for the have nots. If you have no back yard – that is who I am fighting for. I could be one of them.

Jane Harrison calls out INDYWeek’s Convenient Scapegoat narrative

Jane Harrison calls out INDYWeek’s Convenient Scapegoat narrative

Jane Harrison submitted a Letter to the Editor of INDYWeek with her thoughts on their coverage of Downtown South “In your writeup of what you’re watching for 2021, you mention NIMBY opposition to Downtown South—a convenient scapegoat to dismiss authentic and varied community concerns,”

Raleigh is growing rapidly. Where are we headed?

The attraction of Raleigh's favorable quality of life and cost of living may be their undoing, as continued rapid in-migration translates to more daily trips stuck in congested traffic, more trees cleared for maximum infill, and fewer young and old residents who can...